Body Sculpting
Radiofrequency Microneedling
Radiofrequency Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure. It uses tiny needles and radiofrequency waves to rejuvenate facial skin. The treatment is a form of controlled skin injury. The damage stimulates the growth of healthy new skin, which can benefit common skin issues like acne scars and wrinkles.
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Lipo Cavitation
Lipo Cavitation is a noninvasive procedure to remove fat using an ultrasound device. During the actual procedure, a small amount of gel is applied to the skin where excess fat needs to be removed. Then the ultrasound device is applied to the skin during a 20 to 30-minute treatment session.
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Radio-Frequency (RF)
Radio-Frequency (RF) skin tightening is an aesthetic technique that uses radio-frequency energy to heat skin with the purpose of stimulating cutaneous collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid production in order to reduce the appearance of fine lines and loose skin.
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Radio-Frequency Vacuum (RF VAC)
Radio-Frequency Vacuum (RF VAC) therapy is a dual-function system that uses radio-frequency energy to deeply heat connective tissue, dermal collagen fibers, and fat cells, combined with suction and pressure to release the fluids in the fat cells that cause cellulite.
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Electro Muscle Stimulation (EMS)
Electro Muscle Stimulation (EMS) is the ideal treatment for toning the muscle to tighten the skin. The procedure uses micro-current to stimulate the muscle, making it stronger, tighter, and leaner. This will result in the muscle filling up the loose skin to smoothen and firm the skin.
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Ultrasonic Cavitation
Ultrasonic Cavitation is a cosmetic procedure that uses ultrasound waves and radio frequency energy to break down fat cells and cellulite to tighten your skin. The waves are sent deep into the layers of your skin, causing a disruptive vibration. Fat cells burst, breaking apart from each other, and then are dislodged from your dermal layers.
How Long Does It Last?
The results are permanent and produce a noticeable difference in body profile within a very short period without excessive trauma or aggressive treatment.
Is It Safe?
Yes! Many studies have found Ultrasonic Cavitation to be a safe and effective treatment for targeting small body fat and cellulite areas with little to no downtime.
What Can I Expect During Treatment?
Ultrasonic Cavitation is entirely painless. Most clients feel slight warmth and vibration when the nodes are in contact with their skin. The treated areas typically have a pink or redness hue for only a few hours afterward.
How Fast Can I See Results?
You can see instant results! Imagine having your problem areas instantly appear smaller, firmer, and lifted. Our clients often see visible results in just one treatment.
Who Is A Good Candidate?
Any healthy adult over 18, who is only about 25 pounds over their ideal weight and is more concerned with “problem areas” than total-body weight loss, can be a candidate for this treatment.
Who Is Not A Good Candidate?
This treatment can NOT be performed on anyone pregnant or lactating, who has an infectious disease, high cholesterol, thyroid disease, immune disorders or diseases, has a pacemaker, HIV or AIDS, cancer, high blood pressure, heart, liver, or kidney disease, has had an organ transplant, any metal inside the body, on anticoagulants or antibiotics. If you are menstruating, we do not recommend the service during that time.
How Many Sessions Are Needed?
Ultrasonic Cavitation typically gives you the desired results after 3-6 sessions. Of course, it depends on many factors stated above.
What Areas Can Be Treated?
Common problem areas such as the abdomen, chin, thighs, arms, back, flanks, and men’s pectorals can be treated.
What is Aftercare Like?
Keep in mind; optimal results are achieved with a balanced diet and an increased water intake. Drink at least eight 16oz glasses of water before and after the treatment. Fat elimination is accelerated by the amount of water you drink; therefore, water is crucial to eliminating fat. We recommend you avoid caffeine, soda, alcohol, and fatty or fried foods.
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Laser Lipolysis
Laser Lipolysis is a non-invasive form of body sculpting that permanently removes fat deposits cells from your body to provide tighter skin using radio frequency that gently heats fat cells until they die off in a process called apoptosis. Your Esthetician places a belt(s) with laser diodes directly onto the skin. The laser energy penetrates the fat cells and creates tiny holes in the membrane, causing the fat cells to release their stored fatty acids, glycerol, and water into the body and then shrink. The body then flushes out the expelled fat-cell contents via the lymphatic system or burns them for energy.
How Long Does It Last?
The results are permanent and produce a noticeable difference in body profile within a very short period without excessive trauma or aggressive treatment.
Is It Safe?
Yes! Many studies have found Laser Lipo to be a safe and effective treatment for targeting small areas of body fat and cellulite with little to no downtime.
What Can I Expect During Treatment?
Laser Lipo is entirely painless. Many clients feel slight warmth while the laser touches their bodies. This treatment has little to no downtime.
How Fast Can I See Results?
You can see instant results! Imagine having your problem areas instantly appear smaller, firmer, and lifted. Our clients often see visible results in just one treatment.
Who Is A Good Candidate?
Any healthy adult over 18, who is only about 25 pounds over their ideal weight and is more concerned with “problem areas” than total-body weight loss, can be a candidate for this treatment.
Who Is Not A Good Candidate?
This treatment can NOT be performed on anyone pregnant or lactating, who has an infectious disease, high cholesterol, thyroid disease, immune disorders or diseases, has a pacemaker, HIV or AIDS, cancer, high blood pressure, heart, liver, or kidney disease, has had an organ transplant, any metal inside the body, on anticoagulants or antibiotics. If you are menstruating, we do not recommend the service during that time.
How Many Sessions Are Needed?
Laser Lipo typically gives you the desired results after 6-12 sessions. Of course, it depends on many factors stated above.
What Areas Can Be Treated?
Common problem areas such as the abdomen, chin, thighs, arms, back, flanks, and men’s pectorals can be treated.
What is Aftercare Like?
Keep in mind; optimal results are achieved with a balanced diet and an increased water intake. Drink at least eight 16oz glasses of water before and after the treatment. Fat elimination is accelerated by the amount of water you drink; therefore, water is crucial to eliminating fat. We recommend you avoid caffeine, soda, alcohol, and fatty or fried foods.
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