If you have a question that is not listed below please don’t hesitate to email us today.
What Is Permanent Cosmetic Makeup?
Permanent Cosmetic Makeup is a non-surgical procedure also known as Permanent Makeup or Permanent Cosmetics. It is cosmetic tattooing of the facial features to enhance color and improve shape. Special colored pigments are implanted into the Dermis (middle layer) of the skin through microscopic injections with an extremely fine needle or cluster of needles. This process is also called Micropigmentation, Microdermal Pigmentation, Intradermal Cosmetics, Dermagraphics, Dermal Implantation, or Micro pigment Implantation. We use the most sophisticated digital tattoo equipment and sterile, single use needles.
How Can Permanent Cosmetics Help Me?
When applied correctly and safely by a properly trained professional, Permanent Cosmetics can enhance your appearance and lifestyle. It can save you time and money by not having to apply makeup every day. You will look fresh with color when you wake up in the morning, travel, and vacation or even go camping! No more worrying about makeup smudges when you shower, exercise, or swim. Stop struggling to pencil on eyebrows or eyeliner when you cannot see without your eyeglasses or if you have unsteady hands. With Permanent Cosmetics, you can now enjoy beautiful, hassle-free makeup every single day!
Who Else Can Benefit From Permanent Cosmetics?
- People who work in an environment that makes the use of conventional makeup difficult to wear.
- Individuals who have cosmetic allergies and want to look good without irritation, or if you have sensitive skin, seasonal allergies, or allergic reactions to conventional makeup.
- Anyone who desires freedom and convenience from daily make-up application.
- People who wear glasses or contact lenses making applying makeup difficult.
- People who are physically incapable of applying make-up due to arthritis or vision loss from eye conditions such as Cataracts or Macular Degeneration and want to wear makeup again.
- Sports enthusiasts love permanent cosmetics while working out, swimming, camping, dancing, or exercising since it doesn’t run, smudge, or sweat off.
- People with problem skin, or oily skin who tend to shed conventional make-up.
- Men and women who seek correction of asymmetrical facial features and want to make uneven areas appear balanced or more equal in size such as eyebrows, or borders of the lips.
What Are The Medical Benefits OF Permanent Cosmetics And Paramedical Tattooing?
Some people may have a medical condition or be undergoing treatment that affects their facial hair, including their eyelashes and eyebrows. People with Alopecia Areata, Trichotillomania, Hormonal and Thyroid Conditions, Burn victims, those undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiation, antibiotic courses, or simply suffer from the loss of, or growth retardation of their facial hair. Micropigmentation techniques can restore the appearance of hair in areas suffering loss and help to restore the self-esteem of clients.
What Does A Permanent Cosmetics Procedure Involve?
Your first step will be to make an appointment for a complimentary consultation to discuss your needs and the procedures which you are interested in. A patch test will be performed to determine if you have any sensitivity to the pigment.
We will then discuss the shape, which would be most flattering for your face as well as the color, which will harmonize with your skin’s undertones. We are artists and very skilled at blending pigment for a client’s skin tone. We will show you some before and after photographs to give you an idea of how the procedure can transform and give youth to your facial features.
On the day of the procedure we will spend much time determining the shape before we begin and adjust to give you the perfect shape for your face.
We usually schedule 2 to 3 visits to give you the perfect result. During the second or third visit the color can be adjusted, made warmer or cooler if skin chemistry demands it. We generally work conservatively, increasing the width of the brow or eyeliner as session’s progress. This can give a client time to adjust to the look of having their facial features refreshed with color.
What Will My New Permanent Cosmetics Look Like?
Initially the pigment in the brows will look dark for several days. Once the skin begins to heal it will lighten and soften. See our After-Care page for more information.
Do I Have A Choice Of Colors?
Yes. Your input is essential to achieving your desired results. We have a large assortment of hypoallergenic pigments so you can choose colors that coordinate with your skin tone, hair, and eye color. Full-spectrum lighting representing natural daylight is used to enhance the color selection. A conservative approach is recommended when choosing a color because it is always easier to darken Permanent Makeup later than to lighten it. We will only use colors that you have approved; they will then be recorded in your confidential chart for reference at a future appointment. We use gamma-sterilized pigments made in the USA. We offer 4 different pigment brands, each with their own specialized line of shades and formulation to be specifically used for each body area. This ensures you receive the best looking and longest-lasting results.
How Long Do Permanent Cosmetics Last?
Your semi-Permanent Makeup will soften and fade slightly over time due to skin exfoliation, both natural and induced by some beauty products. Exposure to UV rays from the sun and from tanning beds will gradually fade your Permanent Cosmetics. Sun exposure is the major cause of pigmentation fading. Certain medications may also cause fading. For these reasons, your semi-Permanent Makeup will normally need retouching within 2 years, although the cost of retouching is usually around half that of initial application.
I’m Allergic To Traditional Makeup. Will I Have An Allergic Reaction To Semi-Permanent Makeup?
The pigments used in semi-Permanent Makeup are much more inert than many used in traditional cosmetics, resulting in a very low rate of allergic reaction among clients, even when he or she might otherwise have allergic reactions to normal make-up. As an additional precaution, allergic reaction tests are performed before any procedure where an allergic reaction is in question. This may require several consultations over a course of 1-2 weeks. Although allergic reactions are rare, they do occasionally happen.
How Is Semi-Permanent Makeup Different From A Tattoo?
Because of the nature of semi-Permanent Makeup and its uses, different pigments are used in the process which are not only more inert, but will not go blotchy over time like some tattoos. The equipment used is also of a finer grade and quality for working in sensitive areas such as around the eyes and lips.
Is There Long-Term Maintenance Involved?
Permanent Makeup is permanent wherever it is tattooed because the pigment molecules remain in the skin. That is why it is critical that you choose a well-trained, knowledgeable, and experienced professional for your procedure. However, the color of your Permanent Makeup will be semi-permanent. It will require some maintenance because it will fade over the years. How quickly your color fades will depend on several factors: Following your after care instructions is vital. The length of time your semi-Permanent Cosmetics remain “flawless” will greatly depend on your UV exposure, skin care treatments, health conditions, medications, lifestyle, and the original color implanted. Many people schedule a “booster” visit every few years to refresh their makeup color. These visits are shorter and less expensive than the original application.
I Had A Permanent Makeup Procedure Done Somewhere Else And I Am Not Happy With It. How Do I Know If I Just Need A Touch Up Or A Correction?
We see many clients who have botched brows, lack-luster lips, and uneven eyeliner all the time, and often we can make corrections. However, to determine if you need a touch-up to what you currently have, a tattoo removal, or a corrective procedure a consultation is required.
Can You Fix A Permanent Cosmetics Eyeliner Procedure That Was Done Somewhere Else?
Sorry, but we will not do corrections of bad eyeliner procedures which usually look like blobs of color which have migrated due to work done by an inexperienced technician.
Can You Fix A Permanent Cosmetics Lip Procedure That Was Done Somewhere Else?
For lips, if it is only a “color problem” then we can possibly help neutralize lips, which have gone blue. This may require multiply visits. A consultation is required before we can determine if any correction can be done.
Can You Fix Permanent Cosmetics Brow Procedures That Was Done Somewhere Else?
In most cases we can significantly improve your bad brow procedure, depending on how much time you want to invest. In most cases we can also do a “tattoo removal” if warranted. Correcting bad work is never going to give you the same beautiful brow as we could have created on virgin (untattooed) skin, but certainly an improvement is possible. A consultation is required before we can determine the level of correction that can be done.
Are Permanent Cosmetics Appropriate For Men?
Yes. Men want to look their best too. We have many male clients. Men who have had hair transplants can have Hair Follicle Replication and Scalp Micropigmentation performed to give them hair-like strokes placed in the bare areas of the scalp where hair follicles are harvested. Our male clients who have had face-lifts also come to us for camouflaging their face-lift scars or to add hair strokes to enhance the sideburns that may have been moved. Other male clients come to us for eyebrow enhancement; scar and cleft lip camouflage procedures, as well as Micropigentation procedures for skin discoloration caused by Vitiligo. Stacey has even gone as far as to create realistic toenails on the feet of men who were either born without them or lost them along the way.
Are Permanent Cosmetics Procedures Painful?
Topical anesthetic are used to minimize any discomfort during the procedure. There is usually some minor discomfort, although tolerance levels vary between clients. Most clients find the procedures only mildly uncomfortable. The client’s pain threshold, the technique, and the proper application of topical anesthetic will determine how comfortable the client will be during the procedure. For clients who are having lip liner or lip filler we do require you to obtain a dental block before your appointment on the day you will be having your procedure done. This ensures that your experience during your Permanent Makeup application is less painful. We work with several wonderful Dentists that we can refer you to.
What If I Am Planning To Have Plastic Surgery?
Many women choose to have to have eyeliner done before face lifts so they will look better during the recovery period. If you are considering a brow lift, wait until after the healing process before having your brow procedure. The same applies to permanent lip procedures; wait until after you see your doctor for a post-op visit.
What If I Am Planning To Have Facial Filler Skin Injectable Treatments?
IF you are planning to have Botox, Collagen, Hylaform, Restylane, Sculptura, Radiesse, Juvederm, Perlane, HylaForm, Elevess, Captique, Belotero Balance, or any other type of skin filler injectable you need to wait at least 3 weeks after your injection treatment before you make your Permanent Cosmetic procedure appointment. Be sure to notify your Professional Permanent Cosmetic technician of any upcoming or recent injections you have had!
What If I Am Going To Have Lip Fillers? How Will This Affect My Permanent Makeup Lip Procedure?
You should have your Permanent Cosmetics lip procedure done before you have fillers. Fillers will make the color heal weaker and sometimes make the lip color look “cool,” even slightly bluish. We cannot accept responsibility of color changes if you decide to have fillers after a permanent lip procedure.
What If I Am Using Latisse? Can I Still Get An Eyeliner Procedure?
It is very important to stop using Latisse at least 2 weeks before having a permanent eyeliner procedure. Do not start to use Latisse until at least 2 weeks after you have completed your final eyeliner procedure.
Are Permanent Cosmetics Expensive?
Not if you look at long-term cost and effect. Micropigmentation actually costs little compared to lifelong daily make-up expenses. Permanent Makeup doesn’t run or wash off. Consider it a beautiful investment in yourself.
However, when you are looking for the right Certified Permanent Cosmetics specialist – MAKE SURE YOU DO YOUR HOMEWORK. DON’T LET PRICE BE THE DETERMINING FACTOR WHEN CHOOSING A TECHNICIAN.
Nearly 1/3 of our Permanent Cosmetic services are corrective procedures from bad work done elsewhere.
When you go bargain shopping for the lowest price, the work you receive may be reflective with unsatisfactory results. Your face is too important to chance having such important work done by a technician who does not have the experience, training or artistic talent to achieve the best result. When you have micropigmentation performed by an experienced, well reviewed, and Certified Permanent Cosmetics specialist you rest assured that every penny will be well spent.
If you spend just 20 minutes a day doing your makeup, you are spending 600 minutes a month and 7,300 minutes a year on this process. That means that every year of your life, you spend roughly 120 hours doing your makeup!
Most women spend at least $15,000 in their lifetime on makeup. Nearly $4,000 of that is on mascara alone! Those numbers are just averages! If you typically shop high-end and name brand products then your costs could be double that in your lifetime.
Products also go bad over time and before you have completely used them you end up having to throw them away. Makeup can also become contaminated with bacteria and cause infections, cause allergic reactions and skin sensitivities. So why put up with all that. Think of the time and money you can save with Permanent Cosmetics!
Are There Any Safety Issues That I Should Be Concerned About?
All of our procedures preformed at Fabulously Flawless adhere to strict OSHA standards for Blood Born Pathogens and we maintain our OSHA certification by taking an annual exam. All needles and materials, which touch the skin, are sterile and disposable. All necessary precautions are taken to ensure a sterile and hygienic environment. Strict sanitation and sterilization guidelines are followed in accordance with the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). We use single use sterile needles with each application. Pigments are all made from approved compounds, and most are mixed specifically for permanent cosmetic use. When proper sterilization and sanitation guidelines are followed, Permanent Cosmetics are completely safe. Permanent Cosmetics and tattoo’s are completely safe as long as you go to a reputable artist who is following all recommended safety precautions, however, it is important to remember that tattoos are not risk-free. The health risks associated with tattooing are small if appropriate disinfection and sterilization techniques are used.
Our Saftey Protocol:
- Pre-sterilized disposable needles which are opened in front of client
- Pre-sterilized disposable pigment cups
- Gamma sterilized pigments used
- Barrier film on all communicable surfaces
- New treatment table paper used for each client
- Disposable needle containment system
- New gloves between client procedures and throughout your procedure
- Distilled water used in disposable paper cup
- New wipes, cotton pads and cotton swabs
- Hospital grade disinfectant for tables, lamps, instruments, and surfaces
- Face mask is worn as well as disposable apron or gown
Can Permanent Cosmetics Cause MRI Complications?
There are reports of people with tattoos or Permanent Makeup who experienced swelling or burning in the affected areas whey they underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This seems to appear only rarely and apparently without lasting effects. Individuals with tattoos or Permanent Makeup should inform the radiologist or technician of this fact in order to take appropriate precautions, avoid complications, and ensure the best results.
Can Permanent Cosmetics Cause Pregnancy Complications?
Currently there is no conclusive data that indicates one way or the other if permanent cosmetics are safe while pregnant. I DO NOT endorse pregnant women having permanent makeup applied. If you are breast-feeding permanent then permanent cosmetics are fine.
How long does the procedure take?
2 – 5 hours depending on the area to be covered
How many visits will I need?
You will need 2 visits and possible a third depending on your preference. Treatments are 40 days apart. 50 days required between 2nd and 3rd session if necessary
Is this permanent? How long does it last?
As with any tattoo, fading can and does occur, requiring periodic maintenance or color re-freshing within 8-12 months usually. The cost of re-touch is less than the original treatment.
What type of ink is used?
A specific permanent cosmetic pigment – We have a vast array of pigment to choose from or a custom color can be mixed.
Does it hurt?
The needle used is extremely fine so the procedure is tolerable. Topical numbing cream is applied prior to the procedure.
Can I do this after a hair transplant?
Yes. They complement each other. The gaps between the hair transplants can be filled to give a fuller more natural look. Hair transplant scars can also be treated to minimize their appearance. You must wait 6-12 months after the transplant and obtain medical clearance from your doctor. If you do SMP first, you can have a transplant 2-3 months after.
What is the healing time?
Healing time varies for each individual. It may be within a week or a couple of days. There may be a little redness or swelling immediately after, however most clients return to work the next day. The result will be subtle when you leave and through the first week. It will become darker week 2. Week 3-4 it will lighten, but remain darker than week 1. This is due to the healing evolution of skin and is normal. The finished result will be evident 30 days after your final treatment.
Are there any contraindications?
Herpes simplex, pregnancy/lactating women, chemotherapy/radiotherapy, laser, peeling, scarring in the process of healing, skin diseases on the area to be treated (dermatitis, bruising, erythema) and bacterial, viral of fungal infections. Be sure to also ask your Professional Permanent Cosmetic / Paramedical technician if there are any other contraindications you need to consider.
What Causes Areola Scars?
Surgical procedures on the breast can create a scar if they require an incision at or around the edge of the areola. The scar that is left is called a peri-areolar scar. Some breast surgeries also create a vertical scar from the nipple through the lower portion of the breast that may need to be camouflaged. The following are breast surgical procedures that may create a scar: Breast Augmentation or Enlargement (Augmentation Mammoplasty); Breast Reduction (Reduction Mammoplasty); Breast Lift (Mastopexy); and Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia).
How Is Areola Tattooing Is Performed?
In your consultation you may wish to bring photos of how your nipple(s) previously looked. Along with a clear explanation of your goals, this will help us plan for your procedure. During the consultation, areola tattooing will be explained to you and how you can care for your skin as you heal. Areola tattooing is completed in a process very similar to a traditional tattoo. For the treatment, a small handpiece will be placed on the surface of your skin. The handpiece holds the pigment for the recreated nipple. As it passes over your skin, the handpiece will inject small amounts of the micropigment beneath the surface of your skin. It will do this in a rapid motion, delivering small amounts of the pigment several hundred times per minute.
What Should I Expect After Treatment?
You will leave with a surgical dressing covering the tattoo site. You may experience some redness on and around the recreated areola, but this will be a short-lived side effect. Following your treatment, the pigment may appear darker than you anticipated, but it will fade substantially as you heal.
Is An Anesthetic Necessary For Areola Tattooing?
Anesthesia is not necessary for areola tattooing. A topical anesthetic will be given to assure your comfort. An ice pack applied to the treatment site can also have a soothing effect.
How Long Does Areola Tattooing Take?
Areola tattooing is a relatively quick procedure. A single nipple can often be completed in about one-two hours, but some treatments take longer.
How Long Will The Results Last?
The tattoo pigments used for your areola tattooing treatment are long lasting, but that does not mean they will last forever. If fading occurs, you may wish to return for a follow-up treatment. The process for touch-ups will be similar to the initial treatment, but may be shorter.
What Can I Expect During My Rejuvapen Treatment?
A topical numbing cream is applied to the skin so there is little to no pain with Rejuvapen treatments. Treatments are not limited to just the face, the hands, neck, and décolletage can also be treated. There is little to no downtime after the procedure.
We use a Cooper Repair Cream immediately after your session to help with collagen synthesis and to assist in tissue repair as copper is utilized by every living cell in the body. It is also essential for other enzymes including cytochromec oxidase (energy production) and superoxide dismutase (antioxidation). We also recommend using this product on a daily basis to provide firmer, tighter skin with a more even skin tone and lessen appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
What Is The “Growth Factor” That Is Used During My Rejuvapen Session?
Growth factors are proteins that promote the growth, organization, and maintenance of cells and tissues. The topical application of growth factors has been clinically proven to help reverse photo-damaged skin. They can also assist in restoring the dermis and epidermis to move a more youthful state by increasing collagen, elastin, and hydration.
AQ products contain hi-purity human fibroblast growth factors. These growth factors are naturally made by the body’s fibroblast (skin) cells. As we age, the production of these growth factors decreases, resulting in the inability of the skin to rejuvenate. Supplementing the skin with these growth factors can help the skin naturally rejuvenate itself, returning the skin to its youthful state
Are There Special Products I Should Use After Receiving My Rejuvapen Therapy?
Yes. Rejuvapen’s Complex Skincare line provides 6 critical products to keep your skin looking its absolute best. Fabulously Flawless recommends that you use these products to maintain your younger and perfect looking skin! We do highly recommend that all clients use the following products after your procedure at home.
AQ Recovery Serum Core is one of the most effective combinations of GF (growth factor)-technology and antioxidants available to achieve younger looking skin. It activates skin to repair signs of aging with GF-technology. It speeds and improves healing after clinical procedures, calms inflammation, and redness caused by skin trauma and rosacea. It also dramatically improves the appearance of aging, damaged, and post-procedure skin with a highly concentrated formula that transforms skin cells to a younger state and fortifies the skin’s ability to repair DNA damage that causes signs of aging. Recovery Serum enhances the skin’s natural process of regeneration and repair. It stimulates collagen production, healthy circulation, antioxidant activity, and cellular renewal. With regular use, fine lines and wrinkles will be diminished, and skin will look and feel softer and firmer. The soothing formula helps relieve irritation from bruising after cosmetic procedures, reduces the appearance of broken capillaries, and greatly decreases post-procedure redness.
AQ Active Serum helps skin look significantly younger with regular use Diminishes wrinkles and fine lines Gives skin a youthful glow and gradually fades sun/age spots GF (growth factor)-technology restores youthful skin function to repair damage Erase signs of aging and environmental damage with GF-technology. This highly active serum contains stem cell derived growth factors to renew skin and accelerate skin cell regeneration. Although your skin’s natural processes that repair damage and keep it looking youthful become less efficient over time, you can return your skin cell functions to a younger state with Active Serum. This concentrated blend of the same growth factor proteins found in healthy, young skin plus anti-aging antioxidants stimulates collagen production (essential for firm skin), activates the skin’s natural regeneration capabilities, and fights free radical damage that causes premature aging. The GF-technology stimulates skin cells to repair damage that has accumulated over the years, such as sun/age spots and wrinkles, with the efficiency of young, healthy skin cells. Daily use of Active Serum will produce a firmer, smoother complexion with brighter, more even skin tone, diminished fine lines and wrinkles, and reduced or eliminated sun/age spots and hyperpigmentation. The surface of skin is moisturized for an instant plumping and smoothing effect.
What Is Sugaring?
Sugaring, Sugar waxing or Persian waxing is a method of hair removal that has been in use since 1900 BC. Ancient Egyptians developed Sugaring using a mixture of oil and honey that was applied to the body, then vigorously stripped to remove the hair with it. It works a bit like waxing, but instead of using boiling wax to rip out those hairs, estheticians use a caramel-like substance made of Sugar, lemon juice, and hot water to pull your hairs out by the roots. Since it is completely made from natural ingredients, it is accepted by the skin which allows it to seep down and wrap around the hair follicle.
Is Sugaring Painful?
Most of our clients find there is minimal discomfort with Sugaring, and it is less painful than traditional waxing.
How Does Sugaring Help Permanently Get Rid of Hair?
Regular extraction at the Anagen Phase of hair growth leads to permanent hair loss. When hair is extracted at the length of approximately ¼”, the hair follicle’s wall is partially removed each time and that makes the hair follicle itself collapse. That is why it is good to come in and get Sugared every 3-6 weeks.
How Often Should I Get Sugared?
For the areas you would like to Sugar below your waist, we recommend you come in every 3-5 weeks. If you wait more than 5 weeks, it might result in more maintenance and a higher charge. Areas above the waist tend to grow at varying rates. Your eyebrows and underarms may require more maintenance and you may want to get them done more often. Your arm hair may not require as much Sugaring.
How Long Does Sugaring Last?
This is dependent upon how often you get Sugared and what body part you Sugar. The more times you Sugar, the longer the hair stays away. Each visit prolongs the hair coming back.
Is There Anything I Need To Do Before My Appointment?
The day of Sugaring, please refrain from putting on deodorant/antiperspirant. Do not put lotion on the areas where you are getting Sugared. Please clean areas that you plan on getting Sugared for the appointment.
Is There Anything I Need To Do After My Appointment?
Refrain from hot showers, hot baths, swimming, tanning, exfoliation, exercising, tight clothes, sun bathing and perfumed products for 24 hours (regular clients) and 48 hours (new clients). Exfoliate the skin 3 days after Sugaring, every 2 to 3 times a week to prevent ingrown hairs. Hydrate the skin every day with soothing/hydrating lotion and if purchased, use the Hungarian mud once a week to detoxify the skin.
Are There Areas You Will Not Sugar?
I will work around skin tags, raised varicose veins and new scars. I do not Sugar beards, sunburned skin, bruises, lesions, warts, raised moles, skin that has recently been chemically peeled, someone using Accutane, Retinol or Retin A and is shedding (on skin that they desire to be Sugared), skin that is currently treated with Vitamin C topical products, and/or skin that has very recently undergone microdermabrasion.
I Have Really Sensitive Skin. Can I Be Sugared?
Yes! Everyone can get Sugared! People with every skin type, every pigment and every type of hair can get Sugared. You can even get Sugared up until your 34th week of pregnancy (just to be safe, we stop you there). Only the dead skin is removed. None of your live skin is removed, which is another benefit of Sugaring over wax. There is no worry of the Sugar being too hot-it is room temperature! The Sugar recipe is solely Sugar, lemon, and water. It is 100% gentle and warm water soluble!
What Exactly Is a Brazilian?
A Brazilian is the complete removal of the hair on the pubic region. You do have the option, however of either going completely bare of leaving a small are of hair above the vaginal area.
Can I Get a Brazilian If I Am On My Period?
Yes. Just know that you will be more sensitive and you must wear a clean tampon. We will have wipes available before and after services.
Will I Be Perfectly Smooth After My Sugaring?
While possible, that is not probable. Some clients will finish smooth after their first-time Sugaring. It is most common after the first 2 or 3 Sugaring appointments you will feel some stubble. This occurs most frequently with clients that have coarse and/or dark hair. This is most common with leg Sugaring. This is because your hair grows in three different cycles and each cycle lasts about 28 days. After a few services, the hairs will all be Sugared in the same session. Then everything will be Sugared!
Will Sugaring Make My Hair Grow Back Thicker?
No. If that were true, a bald man would be able to wax his head and grow hair! If you become a regular Sugaring client, the hair will become sparse and finer.
Will Sugaring Make My Hair Grow Back Darker?
No. Sugaring does not change the color of your hair.
Do You Offer Prenatal And Postpartum Sugaring?
Yes. Sugaring can be performed up to 34 weeks before labor as long as you have a low-risk pregnancy. We cannot take clients that are in the high-risk category. Some examples high-risk pregnancy would be Pre-Eclampsia, Gestational Diabetes, previous preterm labor, high blood pressure, etc. There may be a tendency to get more ingrown hairs during pregnancy. Women who have waxed in the past may have noticed an increase in ingrown hairs and this is because of the increase in heat, moisture, and friction in the pubic area. A change in hormones increases sebum production in follicles will contribute to the increase in ingrown hairs even if you have never dealt with them before. If you have any questions regarding prenatal waxing, feel free to contact us.
Will You Sugar Minors?
No. We will not perform Brazilian or French waxing on minors regardless of parental consent.