Paramedical Tattooing
What is Paramedical Tattooing?
Paramedical Tattooing, also known as Medical Tattooing, and Medical Micropigmentation can be applied in many ways. Skin Camouflage helps improve the appearance of persons with skin diseases such as Vitiligo or post-inflammatory hypopigmentation from skin trauma. Scar Camouflage helps reduce the appearance of scars from accidents, burns, surgery, or the repair of congenital disorders such as Cleft Palate. Hair Simulation or Scalp Micropigmentation (SMU) helps restore the appearance of missing hair lost to disease (Cancer or Alopecia), trauma, or natural thinning within an eyebrow, mustache, or scalp. That technique can also be used to simulate hair stubble. Reconstructive camouflage helps post-mastectomy patients by creating a nipple and areola on the newly reconstructed breast. The appearance of areola incision scars from breast surgeries for augmentation, reduction, and breast lift can also be masked.
Our expertise also extends into the Paramedical field of scar revision, scar camouflage, tattoo removal, and hair follicle replication, as well as areola restoration, vitiligo, and skin pigmentation disorder camouflage, and much more. We use the latest state of the art equipment and highest-grade pigments for all of our procedures. We offer 4 different pigment brands, each with their own specialized line of shades and formulation to be used for the specific area being tattooed. This ensures you receive the best looking and longest lasting permanent makeup results.
Artistic cosmetic solutions help to improve the appearance of men and women with physical abnormalities related to the following conditions:
Scar Camouflage
- Cosmetic Surgery Scarring
- Breast Lift (Mastopexy)
- Breast Reconstruction (Mastectomy)
- Cleft Lip and Palate
- Burns and Injuries
Skin Depigmentation
- Pigmentation Loss from Scarring
- Vitiligo (Skin Depigmentation)
- Hypo-Pigmentation (Missing Color)
Hair Loss
- Alopecia Areata
- Thinning Hair and Hair Loss
- Eyebrow Hair Loss
- Receding Hair Lines
Skin or scar camouflage is tattooing of the skin with different colors of flesh tone pigments. Its purpose is to disguise a scar or skin area that is missing pigment or color. It is a specialized area of Permanent Cosmetics that falls under the category of Medical or Paramedical Tattooing. This process is also called Corrective Pigment Camouflage (CPC), Corrective Camouflage, Skin Repigmentation, Scar Camouflage, Skin Camouflage, Camouflage Tattooing, and Skin Color Tattooing. The specialist performing these procedures must understand the science behind pigments and the physiology of human skin and tissue. These procedures require advanced knowledge, training, skills, and experience in Permanent Cosmetics as well as an artistic eye for color and skin tones.
Who Is A Candidate For Skin Color Repigmentation?
Even if you have a scar or skin abnormality, you may not be a candidate for skin repigmentation. You might be a candidate if you meet the criteria below.
If your scar is healed and no longer pink or changing color:
Your scar should be at least 9 to 12 months old with stable color. If it is red or pink or still changing color, the tissue may still be healing. A reputable, experienced medical tattooist will not work prematurely on scar tissue because it may cause further damage to the skin. (Note: If you were under a physician’s care for the condition, ask him/her if you may undergo skin color tattooing before contacting our office.)
If your scar is smooth and relatively flat:
Camouflage tattooing cannot disguise or correct extreme changes in skin texture. If your scar or skin area is bumpy or raised, the process may not be effective. (Note: If you have any skin surface irregularity, please consult with a Dermatologist or Plastic Surgeon first to see if any type of medical treatments can first improve the skin texture.)
If your scar does not have dark edges:
Dark edges or borders around a scar indicate Post Inflammatory Hyper-pigmentation (PIHP) from the initial trauma or surgery. It is possible that the camouflage tattooing process may increase the hyper-pigmentation and create a wider, darker border. (Note: The risk of this happening is usually greater with darker skin tones.)
Who Is Not A Candidate For Skin Color Repigmentation?
If you have any of the following you would not be a candidate for skin color regimentation: Port Wine birthmarks; spider veins; freckles; age spots; under eye circles; hyper-pigmentation; or unstable Vitiligo (not in remission). These skin issues can be improved with non-Micropigmentation medical treatments such as lasers, sclerotherapy, or chemical peels. Please consult with a physician regarding the best course of treatment for these conditions.
What You Need To Know About Camouflaging /Scar Revision:
Camouflage tattooing will not completely restore skin to the way it looked before it was injured. The process will not “erase” a scar or skin abnormality so it appears completely gone and the area looks “perfect” again. It improves color differences to help disguise the scar or anomaly and make it less noticeable to other people. So you must have realistic expectations. Be sure to discuss this with your technician.
A scar camouflage tattoo will not be a “perfect” match to the surrounding skin color. This is due to the constant changes in skin tones from blood flow, body temperature, and tanning. The pigment in the tattoo will not darken if it is exposed to sunlight or tanning booths, so the tattoo may appear lighter if the surrounding skin tans. When the tattoo color matches tanned skin, it may appear darker once the surrounding tanned skin fades. Therefore, if you spend time outdoors, you will need to adjust your lifestyle or decide to match the tattoo to “winter” or “summer” skin and live with the changes in between.
Camouflage repigmentation is a process, not a one-time “cure.” It is performed on “unhealthy” skin that has been damaged or altered. Its response cannot be predicted—a scar or Vitiligo patch may have areas that absorb pigment, reject it, or both. The area will look dark and red immediately after a tattooing session, and then it takes several weeks to show the healed color (or not). This requires time and patience.
Scar Camouflage/Revision
$400/hr (per session)
Vitiligo is a skin disease that causes the skin to lose color and appear lighter. Pigment loss can occur anywhere on our bodies, including our skin, hair (scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, or beard), inside the mouth, and genitals. The affected skin can lighten or turn completely white. Vitiligo can occur on any skin color, and can worsen over time; some people see their vitiligo cover a large area.
There are subtypes of Vitiligo that your Dermatologist may diagnose you with depending on how much vitiligo appears on the body.
- Localized: One or a few spots or patches appear, but these are limited to one or a few areas of the body.
- Generalized: Most people develop this subtype, which causes scattered patches on the body.
- Universal: Most pigment is gone (rare).
Vitiligo is not contagious or life-threatening, but it can be life-altering. Living with vitiligo can cause other symptoms such as low self-esteem and depression.
According to the American Society for Dermatology Surgery, many who suffer from Vitiligo find relief through skin repigmentation with Micropigmentation or Paramedical Tattooing. A Certified Permanent Cosmetics Artist trained in Paramedical tattooing and skin repigmentation can accurately match your natural skin tone using special pigments to camouflage affected areas. Repigmentation is safe and virtually pain-free.
Vitiligo and Skin Pigmentation Camouflage
$400/hour (per session)
A cleft lip is an opening in the upper lip. Normally the lip is formed by the union of two tabs of tissue that grow in from the sides of the face with a central tab that grows down from the lip of the nose. This fusion should take place in the fourth to sixth week of pregnancy. If the union is not complete, the baby is born with a cleft lip. If the cleft extends up into the nostril it is called a “complete cleft lip”.
If the nose is not affected it is called an “incomplete cleft lip”. The amount of treatment required for a child with a cleft lip depends on how severe the condition is at birth. A small cleft lip may need only one surgical procedure in the first months of life. A child with a complete cleft lip may need several surgical procedures and ongoing care. After all surgical procedures, Micropigmentation restoration camouflage can help create a more symmetrical lip line and fill in with a natural lip color suitable for the client’s skin tone. Our cleft lip procedures include reshaping the lips, camouflaging areas of disproportion, full lip lining, and shading
A lack of symmetry or lip definition is often found in clients with a cleft lip. By Micropigmentation we are able to reconstruct a new lip contour creating balance, symmetry and color to the lips.
After cleft lip surgery, a patient is often left with scarring, uneven peaks and without a vermilion line. With Micropigmentation we can recreate the appearance of a natural look around the nose and mouth and define the Cupid’s bow.
Cleft Lip Camouflage, Liner & Full Color
$800 (per session)
Fabulously Flawless specializes in realistic Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP), also known as Hair Follicle Replication, a technique used for both men and women that replicates the 3D effects of natural hair follicles. SMP can has become the go-to solution for various scalp and hair concerns such as adding density to thinning hair, covering and camouflaging scars from hair transplants or injuries, and hairline restoration such as widow’s peak hair tattooing, permanent edge hair tattooing, and soft-hairline tattooing.
Using professional pigments specifically developed for scalp procedures, we offer four different pigment brands, each with its unique line of shades and formulation to be used specifically for the scalp; allowing, us to precisely match each clients’ hair color to create natural-looking results. We also use a special hair and scalp machine for this procedure. We DO NOT use a rotary machine; this ensures you receive the best-looking and longest-lasting results that give you back your confidence and restore youthfulness.
Hair Follicle Replication and Scalp Micropigmentation can help correct the following issues:
- Receding Hair Lines
- Widow’s Peak
- Hair Transplant Scar Coverup
- Crown Hair Loss
- Bald Spots
- Thinning Hair
- Total Baldness
- Hair Extension and Weave Damage
- Stunted Hair Growth in spots
- Head and Scalp Scars
- Burnt Scalp
Hair Follicle Replication
$300/hr (per session)
People often decide that the tattoo they once loved no longer fits into their lifestyle as life moves on. Fabulously Flawless offers body tattoo and permanent makeup removal. We use the highest quality, safest, and natural tattoo lightening, fading, and removal services and use only the safest products on the market. We never use harsh chemicals or lasers* that can harm or damage your skin. Clients should expect 2-6 sessions to receive desired results; each service is performed within 1-2 hour sessions.
Tattoo Lightening and Removal
Fabulously Flawless only uses saline-based tattoo removal and lightening solutions, which are 100% all-natural, completely filtered, and 100% sterile. These products do not contain acids or other chemicals, are only made in the United States, and are specifically designed to release permanent makeup pigments.
* Fabulously Flawless Permanent Cosmetics Never Uses Lasers For Tattoo Removal Procedures.
Tattoo Lightening, Fading & Removal
$250/hr (per session)
These procedures help improve the appearance and self-esteem of both women and men who have undergone breast surgery. Areola Repigmentation techniques can “create” an areola after breast reconstruction, minimize the appearance of scars, or restore an areola to a more natural looking color and shape. Areola Repigmentation may also be called Areola Tattooing, Areola Micropigmentation, Areola Pigmentation, Areola Recoloring, Areola Restoration, or Areola Simulation.
Repigmentation to the areola or areola portion of a breast can be performed with a Paramedical Tattooing procedure. This service is often requested as part of a breast reconstruction after a mastectomy and requires advanced education, training, and experience by a Certified Permanent Cosmetic Professional.
Our artistic passion and drive is the restoration of the areola and nipple pigments. Nothing means more to us than being able to restore a sense of “wholeness” back to a breast cancer survivor. We can re-create a 3D nipple and areola with custom-blended and shadowing effects are used to create a natural look.
The procedure typically takes 1 – 2 hours for unilateral and 3 – 4 hours for bilateral.
How Areola Repigmentation Helps People After Breast Surgery:
The areola is part of the human breast in both women and men. It is a circular area of skin around the nipple that is often darker and thicker than the surrounding skin. The areola plays a key role in the aesthetic look of a breast. Since a woman’s self-image can depend on the appearance of her breasts, a missing areola can be psychologically devastating. A woman can survive breast cancer after undergoing a mastectomy, and she can regain her figure with a breast reconstruction. However, she may not feel “complete” without an areola. A woman can become emotionally distressed from a scarred areola as well. A man’s self-esteem can also be lowered by the appearance of his chest and breasts. Areola tattooing provides the “finishing touch” after breast surgery. Patients feel the tattooing process helps them during the last part of their recovery to look complete and feel “whole” and “normal” again.
Design, Color, And Spot Testing:
We have a complete assortment of hypoallergenic areola pigment colors. We will work with you to select a color or colors that look the most natural for you. For scar camouflage or unilateral areola recreation, we recommend a spot color test before the actual procedure is performed. A patient’s skin tone and body chemistry will affect the healed color of their tattooed areas. Therefore, the spot test is the safest way to determine the formula for the closest color match to an existing areola. The color spot test is scheduled as an individual appointment. It should be completed 4 to 6 weeks before the actual tattooing procedure to allow for healing and color stabilization. Once the spot is healed and the color is evaluated, the areola tattooing sessions can begin. You should also keep in mind that a simulated or scarred areola will probably need more than one tattooing session to achieve the best-looking result. We use the latest state of the art equipment and highest-grade pigments for all of our procedures. We offer four different pigment brands, each with their own specialized line of shades and formulation to be specifically used for areola and breast tattooing. This ensures you receive the best looking and longest lasting results.
Post-Surgical Areola Tattooing Procedure Options:
Areola-Nipple Complex Simulation:
This procedure is for patients who have had breast reconstruction after a mastectomy or lumpectomy. Cosmetic tattooing techniques and color pigments are used to create the appearance of an areola. For a unilateral mastectomy patient, this process helps the reconstructed breast to match the natural breast. For patients with bilateral breast reconstruction, both areolas are recreated. Areola complex simulation can be achieved with or without a nipple button created by the surgeon.
Areola Scar Camouflage:
Many breast operations require one or more incisions at or around the edge of the areola, which may produce scarring. The most common peri-areolar scars are from breast augmentation or reduction surgeries. A scar’s appearance can be softened, blended, or reduced by tattooing the areola scar using corrective pigment camouflage techniques.
Areola Size or Color Adjustment:
The color of an areola can be darkened, balanced, or enhanced with tattooing. The process helps women who have discolored or lightened areolas after breastfeeding or patients who have had areola graft surgery. Patients with skin discoloration disorders (e.g., Vitiligo) can also benefit from areola tattooing. Also, individuals who have not had breast surgery but are self-conscious about their areola color or size (too light or too small) may choose this procedure to adjust their appearance.
Areola Restoration (Unilateral)
Price quoted at time of consultation
Areola Restoration (Bilateral)
Price quoted at time of consultation
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