Is Your Permanent Cosmetics Provider is Licensed?
Your face and health are at risk for infections and transmission of blood-borne pathogens when undergoing any Permanent Cosmetics or Paramedical procedure. That’s why Permanent Cosmetic Professionals must follow the most stringent health and safety regulations and be licensed by the County Health Department to perform tattooing. Make sure your Permanent Cosmetic Professional holds their licensure and has met all required health and safety standards before you get any procedure.
Want to know if your Permanent Cosmetics Provider is Licensed to perform procedures? Want to know if they have any health violations? Click the search icon to the right to use WRAL’s handy North Carolina Public Health Inspections tool to check each county in the state for Licensed Tattoo Establishments and for Health Violations. Here’s how to search.
Search Instructions
- Click here to access the Wake County Environmental Services website
- On the right side, under “Advanced Report Search,” go to “Establishment Type” and choose “Tattoo” (All Licensed providers will appear on the results pages)
- If you know the provider’s zip code or establishment name, you can enter those to narrow your search.
- Select the date range for your search and click the “Search” button.
- If the establishment has received any violations, you will see a button next to their name that says “Inspection.” Click on “Inspection” to read the report. For previous inspections, select “View Last 3 Inspections for this establishment” to see more.
- To check another county, click here, scroll down, and select the county you wish to check.