Photosh­opped Makeology Eye Cream – Review

I am so excited to share with you information about a new eye cream that I am in love with  – Photosh­opped Makeology by Knutek MD. First, let me start by saying, I have very sensitive skin and often have allergic reactions to various eye creams. I have been using Photoshopped eye cream for over six months now, and I have not had any negative responses whatsoever to this cream. As far as results … I have seen dramatic improvements in the minimization of my crows-feet and other fine lines, both around and under my eyes. The skin under my eyes which can sometimes look dry now looks soft and supple. I have noticed that the area around my eyes looks revitalized and firmer. I look “awake,” and my eyes look lifted. This is one of the first eye products that I have used that I have seen such profound results with!


Photoshopped eye cream works so well because of its main ingredients: Oxygen Plasma and Matrixyl 3000. The company’s patent-pending Oxygen Plasma works by transporting oxygen to tissues and triggers the formation of collagen and elastin. It has anti-irritant and anti-inflammatory properties, promotes healing while reducing lines and wrinkles, and treats abnormal skin conditions.


Matrixyl 3000 is an anti-aging peptide comprised of two proteins used to target a wide range of aging signs. It promotes the production of collagen and elastin in the subdermal-layers of the skin. Matrixyl 3000 fights both the wrinkled, sagging skin, discolorations, and dryness. Most of the signs of aging are caused by reduced peptide production or utilization. Matrixyl 3000 imitates the body’s natural peptides, to signal it that the skin needs more collagen and elastin. It stimulates the skin to produce these two components again. As the natural deposits are restored, the surface of your complexion appears fuller, more resilient and youthful.


In addition to being a fantastic eye cream, Photoshopped can also be used anywhere on your face or neck area where you want to fight wrinkles and other age-related issues.


You can pick up your Photoshopped Makeology cream at Fabulously Flawless. To learn more about this product and our other professional skin care products contact us today.



Stacey Heffner








Treating Hormonal Acne

Acne is the most common skin issue in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans annually. Many women, men, and teens alike suffer from some form of acne. But one of the most common reasons for acne is due to hormonal imbalances in the body, caused by the body’s sensitivity to Androgens.  When Androgens, (which include the hormone testosterone), overstimulate the skin’s sebaceous glands, those glands can produce too much of the oil known as sebum. Extra sebum can clog the hair follicles and pores, allowing bacteria to take up residence.  This extra sebum, together with dead skin cells and dirt creates an ideal condition for bacteria to grow resulting in inflammation of the skin that presents itself as acne, cysts, blackheads, and whiteheads.


During puberty, hormonal acne often appears on the forehead, nose, and chin. Whereas adult acne typically forms on the lower part of your face, from the bottom of the cheeks and around your jawline. For women, hormonal acne is often caused by monthly periods, but it can also be constant for reasons such as going on and off of birth control, pregnancy, postpartum, and menopause. Observations show that adult acne is more often linked to hormonal disturbances than teenage acne. Many women find that they get acne either for the first time or again during their 30s, 40s, or even on their 50s. Also,  women with adult acne often show more premenstrual acne than younger women and teens – another sign of hormonal imbalance.


Men too struggle with acne. Though it may begin when they are teens, over 25% of acne sufferers are adult men. Because the most potent stimulators of sebaceous glands are the male hormones (androgens including testosterone). Men naturally secrete more androgens than women;  therefore their hormonal acne may be more severe and chronic. In addition, testosterone levels increase due to exercise which can lead to a greater likelihood of developing acne or making existing acne worse.


While hormonal acne is frustrating, it can be overcome with regular skin care treatments and safe, therapeutic-grade products used in the right way can keep hormonal acne under control. Our most popular acne treatment is our Face Reality Acne Program. Many clients see results with this program in about three to four months (depending on your type of acne). With the combined power of clinical-grade products that are customized for your type of acne, and a series of bi-monthly treatments the results are astonishing.

Before and after photos after treatment with the Face Reality Program.

Contact us today to schedule your consultation to see if the Face Reality Acne Program is the right fit for your hormonal acne.



